Monday, November 18, 2019

HR Performance Issues and Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

HR Performance Issues and Motivation - Essay Example HR management literature has well documented the relationship between motivation, job satisfaction, and work performance. Using the theories of motivation, this paper will analyze the inextricable relationship between performance and motivation in the modern business environment. Â  In order to clearly understand the relationship between employee performance and motivation, it is better to consider a real-life situation. For instance, a sales executive (Jim) who has been working at a leading MNC for the last four years fails to meet his sales targets continuously despite periodical increases in his salary and incentives. Jim had acquired his post graduation degree from the Harvard Business School with the 10th rank holder status, and subsequently, he was hired by this MNC through a campus interview. For the first three years, Jim performed outstandingly and received the ‘best performer of the year’ award two times from the sales manager. He was excited to work overtime and performed duties and responsibilities beyond his job requirements. Considering his caliber and short-term achievements and the exemplary commitment to work the management doubled his salary incentives and allowed him free food and accommodation and a brand new company vehicle. In addition, the company agreed to pay his phone and electricity bills. In spite of those attractive offers, Jim’s performance began to decline by the end of the last year. Currently, he is not interested to work overtime and is frequently absent from the office. Jim failed to meet even his sales target for the last five months.

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